Yesterday, the writers for Silicon Valley Moms Blog were invited to a private book signing with California First Lady Maria Shriver. Ms. Shriver is promoting her newest book, "Just Who Will You Be?", so I read my copy and eagerly waited to meet her.
I arrived at a book store in Palo Alto, sampled some delicious (and low fat!) ice cream, and waited for her arrival. Ms. Shriver arrived (on time I might add!), and was warm, personable, polished and (as expected) smart. I loved her.
Of course, I don't know her, but I really liked what I heard from her. During our hour-long meeting, she shared her experiences as a journalist turned mother, turned working-mother, turned author, turned First Lady. Always a champion for social causes, always a Shriver.
One of my fellow bloggers, Robin Roark, captured some of her favorite messages from Ms. Shriver, which I will share as well:
"Having been a workaholic all my life, I advocate for more moments
of joy in your life. Because when you look back, that’s what you’ll
"Moms are 24x7 in the front lines of humanity. Are you man enough to try it?"
"Having any time yourself – I didn’t know it was possible. I was
raised where any time to do something for yourself was selfish. It’s
ok to give yourself permission to do it. "
"I grew up thinking that if I didn’t run for office, I’d be a
disappointment. I grew up with a lot of 'shoulds.' I’ve worked quite
hard to let that go. "
[On being a working mother] "Looking back I was way too
stressed about finding a balance. Those were jobs I loved. Hated to
give them up. But I did. With each child, my job decreased. I
shouldn’t have tried to shove it all together. I didn’t have the
courage to say that I wasn’t going to work at all."
"I have one wild and precious life. To put my wild and precious life at the end of the line is no longer acceptable."
Thank you, Ms. Shriver, for taking time to meet with us, for sharing your experiences, and for inspiring moms everywhere!
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