LTV Mom actually watched the show real-time, and thought it was one of the best finales to date. Both Davids were spectacular. But you don't care what I think... you want to hear from Dixie, who is calling this her "goodbye blog."
Ryan! Michael Buffer stole his moment! He LIVES for “This… is American Idol!”
And on this, the eve of the holiest of all Idoldays. The whole boxing analogy
was kind of lame, although David Cook looked very cool in his robe and gloves,
and even moved like a real boxer. What cracked me up was the little montage at
the beginning which explained what they were battling it out for… they showed
Kelly, Carrie… and Daughtry? DAUGHTRY DID NOT WIN, TPTB. You can say
that it happened, but it totally didn’t. Get over it. And don’t make the same
mistake again.
thinks its 2007? I guess he’s too far up David Archuleta’s butt to find a
calendar. Once again, he mentions the phone book… could he be any more
pointless? And what was Paula wearing? She looked like a drugged out Barbie in
her finest pink bedazzled couture.
the beginning of the show, Ryan asked the judges what it would take for a
contestant to win, and they replied that it would take “stepping out of the
box, stepping out of the comfort zone”. Archuleta never left this little box,
yet they eagerly handed the night over to him. I’m not sure if the judges are
trying to sway the vote OR if Archuleta has been getting such an overwhelming
number of votes that the judges just want to be on the winning side. I can’t
recall Simon ever getting a winner prediction wrong.
amount of “bus-throwing” tonight was incredibly disgusting. I think that Cook
both out sang and out performed Archuleta. All of Cook’s songs, including his
“non-winning” coronation song, floored me! With as much gaspy potential as
Archie has, he sang nothing but ballad-y type songs all season long. And he
feels he “connects” with every single one of them? Sorry boy, there’s
absolutely no way you could connect with just about every song you’ve sang in
your short life, let alone “Imagine”. Besides being a better vocalist, Cook has
shown versatility, and has a thesaurus so he doesn’t have to say “he connected
with” every song.
Haven’t Found What I’m Looking For”
opening song and Cook sang it to the hilt!
the first time in seven seasons, I actually thoroughly enjoyed a coronation
song! Simon said it didn’t sound like a winning song- has he HEARD the past
seasons’ songs? They were dreary and dreadful. This song has life, the lyrical
content was inspiring, and the pop/rock arrangement was ALLTHAT! I did notice
that he flubbed a lyric in the final chorus, singing the “have faith” line
instead of the “dream big” one, but if the song hadn’t have been so catchy, I
wouldn’t have noticed. I still haven’t got the song out of my head. LOVED IT!
Can’t wait to download it! If this wasn’t stepping out of the box, then what
World I Know”
singing a completely new song was pretty cool, and I thought it was really
unfair of Simon to slam him for not singing “Billie Jean” or “Hello”. “Yeah, I
know we changed it this year and said you could pick anything you wanted… but
what we really meant was we want you to reprise something you already sang,
like we’ve always done.” Cook’s final performance was beautiful, heartfelt, and
moving. I was even touched by his tears at the end, whatever the reason for
them- happiness in getting this far, seeing his brother in the audience,
knowing that the bus was about to run him over…
Let The Sun Go Down On Me”
it didn’t hold a candle to Clay’s version in Season 2, I do agree that it was
Archie’s best performance on this show. What ruined it for me was the way he
stood there quivering as he listened to the judges. I can’t even put into words
the way he acts during the judges’ critique. It’s like they starve him or
deprive him of water until after the show is over. He looked like he was about
to pass out.
This Moment”
a word: painful. This coronation song was more wretched than “My Destiny.” It’s
like Simon is just used to crappy, boring, ballad-y coronation songs.
that David Cook basically called Archuleta out by saying “I didn’t want to sing
something I had already sang”. Songs never have the same impact the second time
around. I didn’t like Archuleta’s performance of this song the first time, and
I basically hated it tonight. I’m no Beatles/Lennon fanatic, but besides
leaving out most of the verses, I’m pretty sure Archie flubbed many, many
lines. Am I right? He should be ashamed!
Cook hadn’t delivered, I am woman enough to admit it. But he did… and I hope
and pray that he wins! Even if Archie pulls off a win, what kind of album would
he have? Either way, Cook will definitely sell more albums have a long,
successful career. Let’s all say it together: DAUGH. TRY.
all good things, this too must come to an end. It’s been a pleasure blogging
“American Idol” for the past three seasons, and I appreciate all of your
positive comments…
Dixie out!
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