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October 2008

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  • Voce Network

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My picks are as follows (and funny enough, they mirror last week's exactly)...

Bottom three: Brooke, Carly, Syesha.

Peace out: Brooke.

While it's not my personal preference for Brooke to go home (I LOVE the Carly Simon/ Carole King tone of her voice), I think she's out over Carly or Syesha. Carly: gotta have another shot at connecting with the audience. I mean... come on... sing another Lennon/McCartney or Heart song or whatever it takes to make it happen, GIRL!! Syesha: I'm not saying peace out to her this week because I like her. Because I don't. I just think that some people tolerate her because technically she's a good singer, and while her time IS nearing an end, it's not her week to go home. So that leaves Brooke. Brooke: like I said, she's been a favorite of mine, but she was so insanely nervous up there on the piano -- lips quivering, notes speeding up involuntarily and all -- that I truly think it's her time to go. Don't worry though Brooke... I'll buy your album (it'll probably be sold in Starbucks)!!

Nice recap Stacy and Dixie! Good call with the seventh person picking the winning side. Had forgotten about that. Anxiously awaiting tonight!

Elisa Camahort

Great recap. However I must point out that Harry Nilsson (guy who wrote WIthout You) died of a heart attack. Here's his wikipedia entry:

My S.O. is a BIG Nilsson fan.


Elisa, This is from the link you posted: The first was a cover of Badfinger's song "Without You" (by Pete Ham and Tom Evans), featuring a highly emotional arrangement and soaring vocals to match, a performance that was rewarded with Nilsson's second Grammy Award. Pete Ham of Badfinger wrote the song- he hanged himself.


It's "I Don't Wanna Cry" not "Only If I Cry"

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