Oh yes, it’s back in the news and (even better) being discussed on Oprah. The endless debate about who is superior: working moms or stay-at-home moms. (I am a working mom, so you know where I land.) And let’s be honest, whether you go to an office all day or stay at home all day, *all moms * (okay, most moms) work around the clock and do what we can to raise fantastic children. Neither is easy; both are important.
My message is this: Why do we need to fight about this? Why can’t women respect each other’s decisions and celebrate the fact that we have choices about how we support our children both emotionally and financially?
Oprah said it best, whether you work outside the home or not, “it’s about the commitment to your children.” Case in point, there are stay-at-home moms who are emotionally vacant when they are at home, and there are working moms who never put down the Blackberry when they are at home.
Of course, the debate shifts to the Big Question: Can you really have it all? Dr. Robin, frequent Oprah guest expert, said, “The goal is not to have it all; it’s to be attuned with your children. You don’t want to have it all; you want to make choices and decisions based on your own value system that work for you and bless your child.”
No shit. Since I took a pretty long maternity leave -- which I now consider a six month job at home -- I can tell you both "professions" are demanding, challenging and rewarding. I treasure every second with my kids and my daughter respects that Mommy goes to work. In fact, our kids love to play office. I hope we are a good influence on our children - no matter what it is that we are bringing into the house. Maybe it's work ethic. Maybe it's ski skills. Maybe it's playing "Surprise Party." Either way, we're having fun together. To me, that's most important. Enjoying being a family together during the time we have together (and making that time).
Posted by: Red_Bull_Mom | January 24, 2007 at 10:49 PM
Mothers that work and mothers that stay home. Either way WE are ALL working. And we will work until we die, either way.
Posted by: SweetNightmare | January 25, 2007 at 02:18 PM